Recently I had the honor of capturing this amazing couple, Derrick and DaNella Knight to update their headshots. What I love about them is their genuine love and affection toward one another and how much they seem to enjoy each other’s company. Since they are the parents of 4 beautiful children, they truly treasure their alone time, even if it’s in the form of a photography session. In fact, they’ve come up with a cute name for their alone time that they constantly encourage couples to use when they need it. “Bump These Kids” (BTK) started as a joke between the pair but is now an official term they use during the marriage retreats and counseling sessions they conduct together through their ministry, Restoration Psychotherapy and Consultation.
They always make me laugh in between shots, because not only are they flirting with each other and making each other laugh, they chat about everything, she may mention an item that needs to be picked up from the grocery store on the way home and he may tell her something funny one of their kids did the night before. They carry on in conversation as if I’m not there, and I love it! I can tell that these two are truly best friends.
Here’s to another year of successful marriage and ministry, D & D!

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